Monday 28 October 2013

Need a quick, no hassle Halloween look?

So about a week ago I uploaded my first Halloween tutorial to YouTube. I wanted to do something that could be easily replicated with a variety of different products that you would probably already have lying around at the bottom of your makeup stash. I thought it was also important to create a look that was cheap (by using products you already had), easy (the video is a step by step tutorial) and fast! (it seems like every Halloween I leave my costume/makeup until the last minute!) 

I decided to make a zombie/mummy makeup and hair tutorial with the idea that you could make it into either depending on what you wore (so for a zombie then some old clothes with torn edges and lightly sprinkle flour over to make them look dusty or for an ancient mummy look then where any white/cream dress and add over torn up kitchen roll/toilet paper, a torn up bed sheet or anything really!)

I would love it if you would check out my video and I hope you enjoy it :) 

If you liked this video then please head on over to my YouTube channel 'sophiespotlights' as you might enjoy my other videos too (and I'd really appreciate it!)

Anyway thanks for reading/watching, 

Sophie xxx

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